Thanks to TwiGossip
You can check out all the PHOTOS of the New Moon trading cards Here
VIDEO: 72 New 'New Moon' Trading Cards
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Posted by tfblog admin at 2:34 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Merchandise, New Moon, video
Top 10 Reasons to be Team Jacob or Team Edward.
Twilighters Anonymous has a list of the top 10 reasons to be Team Jacob or Team Edward.
Here they are:
10. If you’re ever stuck out in a snowstorm, his body heat could save your life.
9. He has the best vamp insults and some great blonde jokes!
8. He’s still young enough to be impulsive and foolish. Every girl needs more of that in her life!
7. He could take you out to eat and actually eat with you.
6. He is a 6’7” tall, gorgeous, muscular Native American – what else do you need?
5. He’s half naked most of the time.
4. Sometimes a girl needs a heating pad rather than an ice pack.
3. He is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Plus, he’s HOT!
2. He’s like a puppy and a boyfriend all wrapped up in one!
1. He won’t leave you stranded in the forest after breaking up with you.
10. Because he’ll hold your drink for you when you need to use your hands, and he’ll keep it cold, too. Not to mention he can be your personal ice-pack when you have a Bella moment.
9. He’s a vampire and they’ve been around for centuries whereas werewolves are just new inventions. (Quote courtesy of Rob Pattinson)
8. He won’t fall asleep and drool all over you.
7. Who needs a disco ball when you have Edward? Just take him outside and dance it up ’cause he sparkles!
6. He’s a gentleman and will offer you choices.
5. He won’t stink like a wet dog if you wash him.
4. Jacob may run a 108° temperature but Edward’s still hotter.
3. He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear in many different languages as well as quote Romeo & Juliet verbatim.
2. Because, in the end, he got the girl!
1. He is portrayed by Robert Pattinson….need we say more?

Posted by tfblog admin at 2:28 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: edward cullen, Jacob Black
Sneak Peak of New Moon Soundtrack!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:13 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: New Moon, Song, Soundtrack, video
Eclipse opening scene?
English version -
Thanks to
Posted by tfblog admin at 2:48 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
BIO: Royce King
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Character
Name: Royce King
Type: Human
Special Ability: None
About Them: Royce King's family was one of the richest in town because his father owned a bank. Royce courted Rosalie and gave her bouquets of flowers-violets because he thought they matched her eyes and roses for her name, Rosalie. Without delay, Royce proposed to Rosalie and she accepted due to her vanity not knowing Royce only loved her for he
Their Early History: Due to being human there is no past for Royce King. Only the future lay ahead of him at one point, until his death by Rosalie, his previous fiancee turned vampire.
[All Character Bio's thanks to Twilight Blog]
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:43 PM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, character, Human, Royce King
BIO: Seth Clearwater
Name: Seth Clearwater
Type: Human/Werewolf
Special Ability: None unique only to Seth except those abilities that are common to werewolves: telepathy with his pack, delayed aging, advanced healing, senses, endurance, durability & strength.
About Them: Seth changed earlier in his human life than the other werewolves since he changed around the same time as his sister Leah Clearwater. Unlike the rest of the werewolves, Seth is friends with the vampires unlike the rest of the pack. Towards the end of the Saga Seth and Edward have become good friends in the aftermath of the battle with Victoria and Riley where Seth assisted Edward in defeating both of the vampires. Seth also respects the Cullens a lot more than any other member of the pack and is willing to stand up to anyone who speaks ill of them. In the contest for leadership of the werewolves, Seth leaves Sam's pack to become Jacob's Alpha's Second. Jacob calls Seth a "Happy little punk." The feud between the two packs is resolved when Jacob imprints on Edward and Bella's daughter, Renesmee. Seth and all of the werewolves stand with the Cullens when the Volturi arrive to destroy them as it could mean the end of the werewolves as well. Bella describes Seth as "tall [human with a], gangly build" and a "huge, happy grin." As a werewolf Seth is still tall and gangly and has sandy coloured fur.
Their Early History: Werewolves in the Twilight universe do not age, as long as they regularly phase into wolves. They heal quickly, have enhanced physical speed and strength, and can communicate telepathically with each other while in their wolf forms. It is later revealed that the Quileute tribe "werewolves" are not true werewolves because they don't transform according to the lunar cycle. Instead, they are shape-shifters who take the form of wolves, while the "Children of the Moon" were considered true werewolves.
[All Character Bio's thanks to Twilight Blog]
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:40 PM 2 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, character, Seth Clearwater, Werewolf
BIO: Leah Clearwater
Name: Leah Clearwater
Type: Human/Werewolf
Special Ability: None unique only to Leah except those abilities that are common to werewolves: telepathy with his pack, delayed aging, advanced healing, senses, endurance, durability & strength.
About Them: Leah Clearwater is the daughter of Harry and Sue Clearwater. Leah is the older sister of Seth Clearwater and is the ex-girlfriend of Sam Uley. Leah is the only female member of the La Push werewolf pack. Leah and Seth transformed into werewolves during the events of New Moon. Leah is described as beautiful in an exotic way with perfect copper skin, glistening black hair, and eyelashes "like feather dusters." As a werewolf, Edward describes Leah as a "smaller grey wolf." Leah is angry and bitter as a result of her broken heart after Sam imprinted on her second cousin, Emily. She has a quick temper and often uses the pack's mental connection to remind the other werewolves of things they would rather forget about Sam and Leah. Despite her anger and pain, Leah demonstrates considerable loyalty to her pack and protectiveness of her brother.
[All Character Bio's thanks to Twilight Blog]
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:39 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, character, Leah Clearwater, Werewolf
BIO: Jared
The Character
Name: Jared
Type: Human/Werewolf
Special Ability: None unique only to Jared except those abilities that are common to werewolves: telepathy with his pack, delayed aging, advanced healing, senses, endurance, durability & strength.
About Them: Jared is a member of Jacob's werewolf pack. He was the next werewolf to phase after the pack's physical leader, Sam Uley. Of only five werewolves know to the Twilight readers the imprint, Jared is one of them. After first phasing he imprinted on Kim, a girl he sat next to in one of his classes. Kim before the imprinting had already had a massive crush on Jared and before he was a werewolf he never paid any attention to her. After his transformation, he took one look at Kim and he had imprinted. As a werewolf Jared has brown hair, is gigantic, and is one of the swiftest werewolves. Jared was a part of the battle with Victoria's army of young vampires but was not seriously hurt. It was Jared that had the task of trying to convice Jacob, Seth, and Leah to come back into Sam's pack after Jacob left in Breaking Dawn when Sam ordered an attack on the Cullen family.
Their Early History: Being human, there is no past for Jared. Only the future lies ahead of him.
[All Character Bio's thanks to Twilight Blog]
The Character
Name: Maria
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: None
About Them: Maria is only mentioned in Eclipse as a part of Jasper's past. Jasper recalls Maria as a tiny brunette with a soft and musical voice that had a tendency to be sharp. Maria was a very mature and able vampire was she was able to control her thirst even though she still preyed on humans' blood.
Their Early History: All that we know of Maria is her early history as Jasper has not had contact with her in a long time. Jasper was a major in the Confederate Army and Maria was looking for humans that she could turn to vampires to create a newborn army when their lives first became entwined. After turning Jasper, Maria found him extremely useful because he was able to control the emotions of the vampires around him. With Jasper and her sisters, Nettie and Lucy, Maria was able to take over numerous territories previously held by other vampires in Mexico. Maria eventually destroyed her own sisters, Nettie and Lucy, when they rebelled. Jasper later ran away with two other members of Maria's army, Peter and Charlotte, due to Maria's ruthless rule. After Jasper left we do not know what happens to Maria, although, there are indications that she is still alive.
BIO: Riley
Name: Riley
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: None
About Them: Riley was among the first humans that Victoria changed into a vampire as she formed her army. Victoria convinced Riley that she loved him and convinced him to serve her faithfully. Riley's job consisted of corralling the other new vampires, telling them what their mission was, and what they were supposed to do. It was Riley who came into Bella's room to get her scent in Eclipse and spared Charlie's life because he was mature enough to resist a human's blood. It was Riley that had to face Edward in the clearing. Edward tried to convince him to give up the fight by telling him that Victoria really only still loved her dead mate James, but Victoria’s grip on Riley's was too strong. Riley then tried to attack Edward, but Seth Clearwater got to Riley before he could and together Seth and Edward killed Riley.
[All Character Bio's thanks to Twilight Blog]
BIO: Bree
The Character
Name: Bree
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: None
About Them: Bree was created by Victoria as part of her newborn vampire army. Like the other newborns, Bree never saw Victoria, only her assistant Riley. During the battle between Victoria's newborn vampire army and the Cullen family, Bree surrendered herself to Carlisle Cullen. Carlisle planned to spare Bree's life, but she was killed by Felix on Jane's orders for breaking the Volturi's laws. After Bree had surrendered and before the Volturi arrived, Bree tried to resist Bella's blood as she strived to adapt to Carlisle's way of life. Bree was described as beautiful, slender, short dark hair to her chin, and very young, around the age of 13 or 14.
Their Early History: Nothing is known about Bree before the start of the series. Her character does not share anything about her past except that we know Victoria created her.
[All Character Bio's thanks to Twilight Blog]
Tinsel Korey covers 'Never Think' From the Twilight Soundtrack
While visiting First Beach on the Quileute Reservation, New Moon Wolf loving Human Tinsel Korey (aka Emily, Sam Uley’s Fiancee), did a cover of Robert Pattinson’s song – Never Think. Which was used in the movie Twilight, and appeared on the soundtrack.
What did you think of her version? She did a good job!
[via NewMoonMovie]
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:24 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Robert Pattinson, Song, Tinsel Korey, twilight, video
Three New Official New Moon Posters!
Check out these three new awesome official posters for New Moon that have just been released!
The first poster is an embrace between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, the 2nd prominently features the Volturi, especially Aro and Jane. And finally, we have the wolfpack with Jacob Black in front of the pack.
[Thanks NMM]
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:22 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
Awesome New Moon Poster!
Haven’t heard yet whether or not this is official or fan made. Either way, it is pretty sweet! Love how they have merged 2 of the already released New Moon posters together!
What do you think? Official or fan made? I’m leaning towards official ..
[Source: ThinkingOfRob. Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]
New Moon Soundtrack – “Satellite Heart” Fan Made Video!
Awesome fan made video featuring a song from the New Moon Soundtrack – Satellite Heart by Anya Marina. The video features clips/stills from New Moon plus the lyrics of the song!
I love it! Her style reminds me of Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation from the Twilight Soundtrack (which happens to be my fav song on the Twi soundtrack!)
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:17 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Fanmade, New Moon, Soundtrack
Videos: All 3 Official 'New Moon' Trailers
Here are all the official trailers for New Moon in HD. The first trailer shows Edward and Bella kissing, Bella’s birthday party and papercut scene, as well as a confrontation between Laurent and Bella in the woods. At the end, Jacob transforms into a wolf! The newest trailers also include some great scenes with the Volturi.
We also have a collection of more than 70 frame-by-frame grabs of the trailer in the the New Moon Trailer Gallery, featuring every shot of from the trailer in high resolution, including:
- Edward Cullen and Bella Swan’s kiss
- Bella Swan’s birthday party at the Cullen House
- The confrontation between Edward Cullen and Jasper Hale
- The breakup scene in the forest meadow with Edward and Bella
- The confrontation scene between Laurent and Bella
- Jacob Black shirtless scene and transformation into wolf form to save Bella
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:14 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
New Moon Soundtrack List
The official track list for of the Soundtrack for New Moon has been released, and it is an absolutely doozy! This is quite possibly the soundtrack of the year.
Even those who thumb their nose up at the Twilight phenomenon are going to be checking this one out. Critical darlings Grizzly Bear, Radiohead legend Thom Yorke, rockers The Killers and Muse are just some of the treats awaiting the phenomenon of a soundtrack. Here’s the full list–
- 1. Death Cab For Cutie – “Meet Me On The Equinox”
- 2. Band Of Skulls – “Friends”
- 3. Thom Yorke – “Hearing Damage”
- 4. Lykke Li – “Possibility”
- 5. The Killers – “A White Demon Love Song”
- 6. Anya Marina – “Satellite Heart”
- 7. Muse – “I Belong To You (New Moon)”
- 8. Bon Iver and St. Vincent – “Roslyn”
- 9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – “Done All Wrong”\
- 10. Hurricane Bells – “Monsters”
- 11. Sea Wolf – “The Violet Hour”
- 12. OK Go – “Shooting The Moon”
- 13. Grizzly Bear – “Slow Life”
- 14. Editors – “No Sound But The Wind”
- 15. Alexandre Desplat – “New Moon (The Meadow)”
Thanks to NMM
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:11 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Merchandise, New Moon, Official, Soundtrack
New Moon Trailer: All 3 Mixed into One!
Thanks to NMM
PS: I just wanted to say to all TFblog fans, so sorry I have been busy the past few months, but we're gonna get back on track in no time! Keep tuning in.
Posted by tfblog admin at 11:09 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
Second Official New Moon Trailer! Meet Jacob Black
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD
Here is the second officially released trailer for New Moon!
You get to see some new scenes, including brand new shots of the wolf pack and Jacob Black doing some acrobatics. Also, here are the first official shots of the Volturi. Enjoy!
Also, here is a screenshot montage from the trailer by TwiRoxSox!
[Thanks to NMM]Posted by tfblog admin at 5:51 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Jacob Black, New Moon, Official, trailer
Stephenie Meyer Thinks ‘Breaking Dawn’ Should be Filmed as Two Movies
We’ve heard this before – Stephenie Meyer thinks Breaking Dawn should be made into two movies. Above is a more recent short video of Stephenie quickly explaining why.
Summit Entertainment has pretty much stated that Breaking Dawn will only be made into one movie. We’ll just have to wait and see, as we haven’t even received anything ‘official’ as of yet!
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:49 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Breaking Dawn, Gossip, Interview, News, Stephenie Meyer
Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner: Talk About Bella/Jacob Break Up in New Moon
In a new interview with MTV, New Moon-ers Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner talk about their ‘break up’ scene in New Moon and give out some juicy deets -
[Thanks to NMM]MTV: He is very huggable. Tell us about one scene that you read either in Stephenie Meyer’s book or in Melissa Rosenberg’s screenplay that you were like, “Man, that’s going to be tough to pull off,” and tell us how you were able to figure it out.
Stewart: “New Moon” is riddled with all of that. I think it’s the one book in the series that I was intimidated by — in a good way. That’s the best feeling to start a movie with. But probably, my favorite line in the book is when I have to say to [Jacob], “It’s him; it’s always been him!” Like, I have to say that. Yeah, it killed me, it killed me.
MTV: It was a tough day to shoot?
Stewart: Yeah, and just like everything in our movie, it’s such a heightened version of reality. It’s like, people don’t just break up [in the "Twilight" films] — they break up and it literally kills you. It’s not like you just say, “Oh, I’m really depressed and crying.” Everything is supposed to be a fantasy version of that. So I always had a really hard time figuring out, “Am I doing enough? Do I look like I’m going to die?”
MTV: Yeah, it would be tough to be the most dramatic person in the world, but without being cheesy. And Taylor?
Lautner: ["New Moon"] is very complicated. There’s a lot of heartbreak, there’s a lot of things going on. Edward leaves at the beginning, she goes into this depression, I come to try and bring her out of it. Then I go through my own issues, and then she leaves me. It’s all over the place, and there’s a lot going on, and there’s many of those scenes that you described.
MTV: Which was your favorite to shoot?
Lautner: My favorite one was — well, we call it the breakup scene — but it’s the scene right after she sees me shirtless and I’ve cut off my hair, all different for the first time. I have to tell her that we can’t be friends anymore.
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:47 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Bella Swan, Jacob Black, New Moon
New Moon Official Volturi Promo Pics
Check it! Here’s the very first high quality promo pic of some of the Volturi of the Volturi in New Moon, as played by Cameron Bright.
The black and crimson looks very regal yet foreboding, and the background takes the brown naturalistic elements of the poster and earlier promo pics to Italy to give an old-world feel.
[Thanks to NewMoonMovie.Org]New Moon Panel at Comic-Con: Hall H 1:45 PST
Saturday, July 25, 2009
- (after first exclusive clip) Uh oh…Jacob took off his shirt in the clip and the fans went nuts-o-crazy-go-nuts.
- Fan to Rob: Would you ever do open-mic nights for music, ever again? Rob: Yes. I’d love to do it again. It’s good for your soul.
- Fan: for Taylor, how was it filming in different weather conditions, half-naked? Taylor: It was cold. There was a day when I was only wearing jean shorts (Cheers from crowd.) It was really really cold, but I’m doing it all for you guys!
- I should point out that all questions are interupted by screams of “I love you!” and “You’re awesome!” and “wooo!” at random.
- Rob: Edward’s who character is about restraint, so I always found it difficult to move as the character. So in the new movie, a lot of the shots are set up so that I can move as little a possible. The camera moves more often.
- Chris Weitz is going to show another scene! The fans go insane. The scene: Alice and Bella racing to save Edward. You remember that scene right?
Rotten Tomatoes has an extensive write-up on the scenes that were shown, including these spoilers for the first clip:
Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) are bent over an antique light blue motorcycle. Jacob wears jeans, a brown t-shirt, and his hair is long. As Bella sits on the motorcycle, Jacob guides her hands (touching!) over the handles. “Brake. Clutch. Gas,” he reminds her. Bella revs the engine. “Slowly release the clutch,” says Jacob.
Suddenly, Bella sees the translucent apparition of Edward, a concerned look on his face, standing in front of her. We can see him, but also see through him. Bella takes off on the bike.
As she zooms down the road, Bella gains speed. She zooms by another apparition of Edward, standing in her path. She speeds by another. Losing focus, Bella swerves and falls from the bike, hitting her head on a rock.
Jacob speeds over to Bella on his own bike, coming to a stop with a flourish. He hops off the bike and rushes to Bella’s side. She is bewildered, and blood gushes from a gash on her forehead.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Jacob asks. Bella apologizes for the blood, but it doesn’t bother Jacob.
He takes a step back, the camera following his every move. Jacob strips off his shirt, revealing a six-pack, and bends down to dab Bella’s wound with it. Their faces come very close.“You’re so beautiful,” she tells him. Emotion flashes across his face.
CORRECTION: It's not "You're so beautiful". It's - "you're sort of beautiful".
Find out what happens in the other scene at Rotten Tomatoes. You can also check out the rest of G4TV’s excellent liveblog coverage as well as the Twitpics from Buzznet.
Videos from New Moon Comic-Con Panel with Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart
If you couldn’t make it to San Diego, fear not–ETOnline is promising to stream coverage live from the New Moon event! –
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are in San Diego today to help kick off this year’s star-studded Comic-Con and ET is there for all of the fun! And starting at 9:30 am PDT, ETonline will be live streaming from the ‘New Moon’ trio’s press conference! Check back here then to see if they spill any ‘New Moon’ secrets!
UPDATE: The live stream is going very slowly, but it’s working now
UPDATE2: HitFix has an excellent LiveBlog of the event if you can’t get the stream to work! For example–
10:03 a.m. How has Stewart changed? “I cut my hair off.”
10:04 p.m. Lautner’s grateful to the fans, “It’s awesome that we get to see them all waiting for us again a year later.”
10:06 a.m. “Sometimes it gets me nervous because I’m trying to live up to the fans expectations and represent Team Jacob in the right way.” – Lautner on Team Jacob.

10:07 a.m. Don’t worry. The stars all reassure us that Edward is in the movie plenty. You won’t miss him. [read the rest]
* * *
UPDATE3: Rob has just revealed that one of the scenes they’ll show later today at Comic-Con involves the ghost-like apparition version of Edward!
* * *
UPDATE4: “10:21 a.m. Pattinson says he has no musical contribution to “New Moon.”.
* * *
UPDATE5: And that’s it for now. Come back later for the New Moon event at 1:45pm PST (FYI: this was the Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart press conference, not the main event with the clips from the movie.)
* * *
UPDATE6: Pictures of Rob, Taylor and Kristen leaving the press conference: [Source, 2 ]

UPDATE7: Here are the videos of their appearance!
Posted by tfblog admin at 6:12 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Comic-con, Kristen Stewart, New Moon, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Chris Weitz Interview on His Vision of the Volturi & Much More!

The Volturi. Can you talk about your vision for this new group of characters?
CW: No matter how strange one of the characters is in a work of fantasy, I think you kind of have to approach them as people, and so you start to think, well, they’ve been around for 2,000 years. How would they live? How would they interact with one another? The conclusion really was that after 2,000 years, you would probably be more than mildly insane, no matter how cultured or gracious you appear on the surface.
The first thing I wanted to do was to put them in a setting that wasn’t sort of Dracula’s castle. Because I feel that’s been done, there have been so many vampire movies and werewolf movies and horror movies where everything is dreary and dark and everything is blue or green, and instead for their headquarters to be surprisingly light and crisp, and then the characters that they play have kind of a tactile reality to them, in spite of how kind of bizarre their situation is. And the whole point is not to leave kind of Forks, Wash. where everything has been very realistic, and then suddenly go to a location that completely throws you out of the movie.

Posted by tfblog admin at 6:07 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Chris Weitz, Director, Interview, New Moon, Volturi
New Action Figures: Edward, Bella and Alice
They should arrive in October and have different looks than the previously seen Edward, Bella and Alice action figures.
Check out all the pics from Comic-Con over at SuperHeroHype!
Posted by tfblog admin at 6:03 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: alice cullen, Bella Swan, edward cullen, Jacob Black, Merchandise, New Moon
First Look: Wolf Tribe Tattoo and Volturi Symbol Merchandise
The very first products featuring the wolfpack tribe tattoo and Volturi symbol featured in New Moon have been revealed!
This shot from the New Moon merchandise display at Comic-Con shows the wolfpack tribe tattoo on a bag and a medallion. It also shows the Volturi symbol on what looks like a belt buckle and a key ring.
Lookin’ good!
Check out more pics from Comic-Con at SuperHeroHype.
Posted by tfblog admin at 6:01 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Merchandise, New Moon, Volturi, Wolf Pack
Twilight Vigil at Comic-Con with 500+ Fans in Overnight Line
More than 500 Twilight fans are camping overnight in a line so they won’t miss that New Moon panel in Hall H at Comic-Con Thursday afternoon.
The most dedicated fans started lining up two days early just to make sure they could get a front row seat to see Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and other stars of the movie. As the final night before the big panel
begins now, there are already more than 500 people camping out to attend the most anticipated panel at Comic-Con.
Aura Reynolds and Liberty Griffen nabbed the first spot in the long line by getting here Tuesday night at 9 p.m. with their daughters Rebecca and Kristen. Their yellow and blue tent marks the beginning of rows upon rows of tents, chairs and blankets that form the twisting line outside Hall H, where the panel takes place at 1:45 p.m. tomorrow. The landscape looks like a giant family picnic, with bright-colored folding chairs and sleeping bags littered with black Twilight T-shirts and banners.
After the break, check out a report from reader Ashley, including a pic of the Volturi Throne they are showing off at Comic-Con!
Ashley had the chance to sit in the Volturi throne at Comic-Con Wedneday night, and she says–
Here is a quick pic of me in the “volturi chair” as they like to call it…. yes,
that was my evil face. the new moon booth is awesome. I scored some posters and
exclusive new moon trading cards. one pack is vampires and the other pack has
wolfpack cards.
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:57 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
New Moon Trading Cards Burger King Hats at Comic-con
Does this mean we’ll be seeing New Moon stuff at Burger King in November? They do have Star-Trek glasses now, after all.
HiFix has a surprise concerning the first people in the huge line awaiting the New Moon panel Thursday afternoon–at least one has been waiting since Midnight Wednesday morning for Team Jacob, not Robert Pattinson!–
“My nephew was here at midnight saving us a spot,” one pass holder told HitFix adding she was “relieved” no one had beaten them to the prime spot. All the members of the group are first timers and the number one reason they are waiting in line all night for a presentation that doesn’t begin until 1:45 PM the following day? No, not a chance to see rising superstar Robert Pattinson, but his co-star; Taylor Lautner.
“They all hate me for it, but I’m Team Jacob,” a teenage member of the crew said.
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:55 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Comic-con, Merchandise, New Moon
New Moon Fashion Collection to Debut at Nordstorm
The new gear will be available in October exclusively at Nordstrom. Check out more items from the new line over at InStyle.
The clothes will be available at Nordstrom starting October 1st.
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:53 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Merchandise, New Moon
Shirtless Jacob Black Action Figure
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A new action figure for New Moon has been revealed at Comic-Con: and it’s a shirtless version of Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black!
I have three questions: where, where and how much? WANT!
After the break, see the version of the action figure with a brown shirt on.
[thanks to]
Posted by tfblog admin at 6:38 PM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Jacob Black, Merchandise, News
New Moon Official Movie Site Screen Caps!
Posted by tfblog admin at 6:18 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: alice cullen, Bella Swan, Carlisle Cullen, edward cullen, Esme Cullen, Gossip, Jacob Black, Jasper Hale, New Moon, News, Official, pictures, Rosalie Hale, Screen Caps, Vampire, Werewolf
Official New Moon Movie Website!!
- "Enter the Cullen House” interactive exploration
- "Enter La Push Reservation” interactive exploration
- "About” section with “Story”, “Cast”, “Crew” and “Worldwide” section
- "Media” section with photos and videos includes upcoming film clips, TV spots and brand new images
- "Downloads” Section with widgets, wallpapers and IM icons
“Mobile” section (coming soon) - "Community” section with links to Twilight sites
- “Official Store”
- “The World of Twilight” section (coming soon)
Check out all the cool features (that will surely send your heart racing) at
Posted by tfblog admin at 6:13 PM 0 comments (click to comment)