Jacob to be even more buff in Eclipse
Monday, June 1, 2009
"Jacob's character is continually growing throughout the series," Lautner told PEOPLE at the MTV Movie Awards Sunday night, "so I got about eight weeks off before I go back again for Eclipse and I'm going to be hitting the gym."
Lautner, 17, already beefed up considerably for his role as the shape shifting werewolf Jacob Black in New Moon after brief behind-the-scenes debate over whether the role should be recast. He said he'll be getting bigger and bigger "until the end of the series," but he looks forward to returning to his normal size.
"When we're done with the Twilight films I'll definitely bulk down and just get lean again because I don't want to stay big and bulky."
"It's insane!" costar Ashley Greene said of Lautner's new build. "I was going through my phone and looking at all the pictures, and there's one from the wrap party that we did here after the first one and it's incredible. I was like, 'Taylor, did you see this?' He was like, 'Oh my gosh.' He gained 30 lbs. He's not a little kid anymore."
In recent photos from the New Moon set star Robert Pattinson also showed off some impressively chiseled abs, and costar Kellan Lutz said they were achieved without any airbrushed shadows – in fact, Lutz takes some tongue-in-cheek credit for Pattinson's six-pack.
"I've been training him, I've been training Taylor," he insisted straight-faced, but promised that there's no fitness competition among the men of New Moon – at least on his part. "I'm the tallest one and so I'll stick with that trait."
And, here I thought I have seen enough of Taylor's biceps... :) Good thing he still looks cute.
Posted by tfblog admin at 10:28 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Eclipse, Gossip, Jacob Black, News, Taylor Lautner
Robert & Kristen: Are the rumours true?

Rob was whisked away to LAX in a dark SUV, and Kristen retreated to the bungalow, presumably to catch up on sleep.
Posted by tfblog admin at 10:22 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Gossip, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, rumours
Casting for Eclipse is underway
Director David Slade is looking for someone to play...
Riley "is a handsome, blond, clean-cut college boy who falls victim to Victoria," the notice reads. He's in his early to mid 20s and "plays an integral role in Victoria's attempt to murder Bella Swan."
There are two more members of the Quileute tribe and La Push wolf pack in Eclipse. Like New Moon, they are looking for Native American or First Nations actors to fill the roles.
"Seth Clearwater is a "tall, gangly-limbed boy with a huge, happy grin," the notice reads. "Seth idolizes Jacob."
Seth's big sister is 19-year-old Leah Clearwater and the only female member of La Push: "She is tall and slender with beautiful skin and short cropped black hair. She would be considered gorgeous if not for the perpetual scowl she carries due to a broken heart and her anger issues."
Whoever may play these characters, however small roles they are, they are still poignant to the flow of the story. Will Leah be played by Vanessa Hudgens? I seriously hope not! And who will play our beloved Seth? I hope they choose him right! And Channing Tatum as Riley? I'm not so sure...
Posted by tfblog admin at 10:18 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: casting, Eclipse, Gossip, Leah Clearwater, News, Seth Clearwater
Taylor Talks New Moon, about being shirtless, and Selena Gomez
Taylor Lautner talks about filming New Moon, what his most intense scene was and filming shirtless in this new interview with Access Hollywood. He also addresses his friendship with Selena Gomez.
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:49 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: New Moon, Taylena, Taylor Lautner, video
"You haven't seen anything yet!"
Stephenie Meyer posted a note to fans on her website concerning the big win for Twilight at the MTV Movie Awards last night–
Thank you, everybody who voted at the MTV Movie Awards! It was awesome to see Twilight get so much love. Congratulations to Catherine and Rob and Kristen and all of the cast and everyone at Summit and everybody on the crew! You all did an amazing job and you deserve your popcorn!
Twilight fans are the best!
P.S. You got to see a little taste of New Moon tonight, but I promise you this: when it comes to New Moon, you haven’t seen anything yet! Can November please come faster?
Posted by tfblog admin at 5:36 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: New Moon, News, Stephenie Meyer, trailer, twilight