Jack's Mannequin
Friday, May 8, 2009

Posted by tfblog admin at 7:52 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Song, Stephenie Meyer, twilight, video
Team Kellan!
Twilight Hunk Kellan Lutz shows off his muscles as he leaves an acting class in West Hollywood on Wednesday afternoon (May 6).
Check out more pictures here
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:46 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Emmett Cullen, Kellan Lutz
Robert Pattinson Interview by Girlfriend Mag NZ
It used to look like a sculpture! That's why I wanted to cut it off. As soon as people started calling it my "trademark", it's like, OK, time to get rid of it.
The novels regularly mention how beautiful Edward is, so how do you feel about living up to that?
It's funny! Like last year, if I wanted to chat somebody up, I had to go all out, and then this year, I look exactly the same and the walls have just changed overnight! It's like you just need someone to say, "This guy's attractive," and then everyone believes it!
Did you have sizzlin' chemistry with Kristen Stewart when you first met her?
I wanted to do the movie because of her. It was like the first job that I wanted to do in ages. Having Kristen there, I thought that it could be something more than just another film, because of the way she was in the audition and because of her track record of making really good film choices.
What about the rumour that you proposed to her on the set?
I don't know where that came from. It's like, "When did I propose to her?" [laughs]. Someone asked me that and I thought, "Did I? Maybe I did." That's pretty extreme. That's really getting into character. I might have proposed to a bunch of other people too. That used to be my favourite chat-up line when I was younger. You just go straight up to a person and say, "Will you marry me? I don't want to mess around" [laughs].
What kind of reaction would you get?
Have you ever fallen in love with the wrong kind of girl in real life?
Yeah, anybody can fall in love with the wrong person. Plus, I generally like people who have, like, a dark side. I generally like people who are a little bit crazy.
You've mentioned in interviews that you're a bit of a loner yourself.
There are just very few people who I think are worth the time. Like, I don't like talking on the phone; I can't really maintain relationships with people who don't want to come hang out with me. Plus I'm always moving around. I don't really see the point most of the time.
How often do you get recognised on the street these days?
I've been getting recognised from this [Twilight] since I finished shooting. It's crazy. It was the day that I got back to LA, and it's almost every single day since then that there's someone who spots me.
Does it make you uncomfortable?
I mean, I don't normally go to shopping centres and stuff and those are the places it happens. But I've been uncomfortable in crowds my whole life. I've always felt that everyone is looking at me [laughs]. So this doesn't make any difference. I could be in a supermarket and have a full-on panic attack when there's no one else there. And this was even like five years ago, when nobody knew who I was!
So how prepared were you for the Twilight phenomenon?
I wasn't really prepared at all. It still gets bigger and bigger every single week. I have no idea. I always think that I can still just go back to London and sort of disappear, but it might be too late for that!
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:36 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: edward cullen, Interview, Robert Pattinson, twilight
New Moon Trailer: Volturi Edition
This is such a good Volturi Edition trailer of New Moon! You get the gist of what it's going to be like. So creepy! What do you guys think of it?
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:32 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
A Video Of The Swan Residence
Filming appears to be complete at the Swan residence. Above you can take a good look at the outside of the house.
NMM.org reader Michael sends in his experience and a great video from the set of Bella’s house yesterday, where most everything on the outside looks to be packed up, indicating that they’ve finished what they needed to film at the location for now–
The vehicles and bikes that were on the lot 2 days ago, are now gone. I’m guessing the house shots are done now, but they’re keeping it up just in case they need reshoots…and probably for Eclipse as well.
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:28 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Bella Swan, Charlie Swan, New Moon, video
Dakota Fanning As Jane: Looks Like An "Angelic" "Evil Red Riding Hood"

Michael Sheen has tweet'ed about Dakota Fanning's character - Jane. You can check out more of his tweet's here
And so 'Eclipse' commences!
"Around the same time Slade came, Peter Facinelli left. We were actually on the same flight to Vegas. Not sure where he was going. I sat across the aisle from him. He was lovely to fans who approached for photos in the terminal and the only other remarkable detail I can give you is that while I was trying to write The Outcast book review, he was givin’er on his iPod, playing some game that required furious tapping and scrolling and shaking. It was distracting and hilarious and adorable, especially when he became extra spastic with the controller."
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:17 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Carlisle Cullen, Director, Eclipse, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
Alex Meraz: Verbally assualted by fan
A new article, by New Moon Movie, is all about Alex Meraz, who plays werewolf - Paul, being told off because a fan didn't like his character.
Alex Meraz, who plays the badboy wolf Paul in New Moon, reveals that a fan took his role a bit too seriously, giving him a hard time for the character he is playing–
“Someone started yelling at me because they didn’t like my character,” Meraz told us last night at a Carrera Vintage Sunglasses party at the Chateau Marmont hotel.
“I play a bad boy, so she got mad at me,” he added. “She said, ‘I hate you, Paul!’ That was the craziest thing for me—being confused for a character.”
Meraz’s response to the hater?…
“I yelled back at her, ‘I love you, too!’” he said.
He also revealed that he doesn’t think he can compare to Robert Pattinson in the sex symbol category (I beg to differ!)–
“I’m happy to have just a smidgen of what he’s got…I’m not worried about being a sex symbol.”
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:08 PM 0 comments (click to comment)