PODCAST: Kellan Lutz on 2dayfm Radio 27/04/09
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Posted by tfblog admin at 4:40 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Emmett Cullen, New Moon, Podcast
BIO: Gianna
BIO: Heidi
BIO: Felix
Posted by tfblog admin at 3:49 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
BIO: Alec
BIO: Demetri
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: Tracker
About Them: Demetri is a member of the empire like Volturi who can can track anyone once he has the tenor of their mind. He can sense and is drawn to a person's mind once he has the ability to recognize it. It is impossible to escape him just as it is impossible to escape (unless you are Bella who is protected from mind-based abilities) Edward being able to read your mind. Appearing very polite, Demetri is a formidable foe. He has an olive complexion with a chalky pallor, dark hair that reaches his shoulders, and crimson eyes. Tall and lean, it also appears that Demetri has a crush on Heidi.
Bio: Jane
BIO: Marcus
BIO: Caius
BIO: Aro
BIO: Harry Clearwater
Posted by tfblog admin at 3:24 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Harry Clearwater, Human
BIO: Renee
Posted by tfblog admin at 3:21 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
BIO: Eric
Posted by tfblog admin at 3:17 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Eric
BIO: Tyler
Name: Tyler Crowley
Type: Human
Special Ability: None
About Them: Tyler Crowley is one of Bella Swan’s classmates. In Twilight he nearly hits Bella with his van when he hit an ice patch in the school parking lot, but Bella is saved by Edward. Afterward, Tyler is desperate to make it up to her and bombards her with constant apologies and asks Bella to prom, to which she refuses ardently. He however mistakenly assumes she will go to the prom with him and tells the rest of the school. Only when he hears from Edward that Bella will be unavailable to anyone but himself does Tyler get the point. His constant attention towards Bella causes Lauren, who is interested in Tyler, to resent Bella. Lauren’s hatred towards Bella only grows during the saga and causes a rift between the two friends.
Their Early History: Due to being human, there is no past for Tyler Crowley. Only the future lies ahead of him.
Posted by tfblog admin at 3:12 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
Bio: Mike Newton
Posted by tfblog admin at 3:10 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Human, Mike Newton
BIO: Jared
BIO: Emily Young
Posted by tfblog admin at 2:52 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Emily Young, Human
BIO: Quil
Posted by tfblog admin at 2:48 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Human, Quil Ateara, Werewolf
BIO: Embry
BIO: Paul
Name: Paul
Type: Human/Werewolf
Special Ability: None
About Them: Paul doesn't control his anger well which leads to his angry outbursts which cause him to burst into his wolf form. One of the larger wolves, he is the most volatile members of the pack. When a wolf Paul has dark gray fur. Paul becomes so enraged when he hears that Jacob told Bella about the pack that he quickly turns into a wolf and attempts to attack Bella. In general Paul has no hard feelings towards Bella or Jacob but he strongly believes in the pack first. In Breaking Dawn we find that Paul has imprinted on Jacob's older sister, Rachel. This is to the annoyance of Billy and Jacob as Paul eats them house and home, yet, Billy is happy that Rachel is staying at home longer from school because of Paul.
Their Early History: Due to being human there is not much of a past for Paul. He only as the future ahead of him.
Thanks to: www.twilightblog.net
BIO: Sam Uley
Posted by tfblog admin at 2:00 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
BIO: Billy Black
Name: Billy Black
Type: Human
Special Ability: None
About Them: Billy Black is Jacob Black's father, was born and raised in La Push, Washington, and is an elder of the Quileute tribe. Billy Black is described as being heavyset, having a wrinkled face and russet skin. He is confined to his wheelchair due to his diabetes and has black hair and black eyes. His other family members include his two twin daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, and his deceased wife, Sarah. Billy Black is a direct descended from the last chief of the Quileute tribe, Ephraim Black, who was his grandfather and leader of the last werewolf pack. One of Billy's best friends in Forks, Washington is Charlie Swan. During the saga Billy bribes Jacob to try to convince Bella to break up with Edward and warns Bella in other various ways to stay away from the Cullen family. He is a quiet, respectful man with a big heart. Few things escape his watchful eyes and understanding glare. He keeps Bella away from Jacob during his transformation but cannot keep them apart once Bella knows what is happening.
Their Early History: Due to being human, there is no past for Billie Black. Only the future lies ahead of him.
Thanks to: www.twilightblog.net
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:59 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Billy Black, Biography, Human
BIO: Laurent
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:57 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
BIO: Angela Webber
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:55 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Angela Webber, Biography, Human
BIO: Jessica Stanley
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:53 AM 2 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Human, Jessica Stanley
BIO: Victoria
Name: Victoria
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: Knows Where Safe Places Are
About Them: A red-haired, feline-like vampire, Victoria, is originally a member of James' coven. She plays a small role in assisting James, her lover and coven leader, in hunting Bella Swan due to his fantasies. Victoria is capable of digging up information on anybody and in anyway. After James is killed, she decides to exact revenge on Edward Cullen by plotting to kill his partner, Bella, in return for Edward having killed her partner. However, Bella is sufficiently protected from her wrath by the Quileute werewolves. About a year later, Victoria creates an army of bloodthirsty newborn vampires in Seattle to rise up against the combined forces of the werewolves and Cullen family. During this battle, both she and her new fighting partner, Riley, are destroyed by Edward and the young werewolf Seth Clearwater. Her supernatural talent is an ability to know the safe place to escape to. Always aware and cunning makes Victoria lethal in her own right.
Their Early History: Nothing is known about Victoria prior to Twilight. How and when she became a vampire is a mystery and how she ended up in James’ coven is left up to our imagination.
Thanks to: www.twilightblog.net
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:48 AM 3 comments (click to comment)
BIO: James WItherdale
Name: James Witherdale
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: Tracker
About Them: James Whitherdale is depicted as a merciless "tracker" vampire who hunts human beings just for the sport of it. Fellow coven member Laurent says that James is unusually gifted at what he does (tracking) and always gets what he wants and Laurent hasn’t seen anything like him in his 300 years. Unlike the vegetarian Cullen family, James drinks human blood as his food source. At the end of Twilight, James is dismembered by Emmett and Jasper and set on fire (thus permanently destroyed) after luring Bella to an empty ballet studio and nearly killing her. The shimmery scar left by his venomous bite still remains on Bella's wrist as a symbol of his unsuccessful attempt on her life. James is described as having light brown hair and being quite unremarkable and average-looking.
Their Early History: Nothing is known about James’ past until later in the saga when it is revealed that a then-human Alice Cullen escaped his clutches some time ago by being turned into a vampire before James could attack. Apparently Bella was not the first human to make James go into a frenzy.
Thanks to: www.twilightblog.net
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:42 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
BIO: Emmett Cullen
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:37 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Emmett Cullen, Vampire
BIO: Rosalie Hale
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:32 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Rosalie Hale, Vampire
BIO: Jasper Hale
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:28 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Jasper Hale, Vampire
BIO: Charlie Swan
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:26 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Charlie Swan, Human
BIO: Esme Cullen
Name: Esme Cullen
Type: Vampire
Special Ability: None
About Them: Esme Cullen, originally born Esme Anne Platt -and later Esme Anne Evenson- is the wife of Carlisle Cullen and the adoptive mother of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Esme enjoys restoring old houses-which is proved when she restored an old house for both Rosalie and Emmett upon their marriage and Edward and Bella as well. Esme is frozen at age twenty-six and has no special ability. But yet, she has a strong ability to love passionately-she loves the people in her life with such a passion that cannot be denied. Esme stands 5’6” with caramel-colored hair. Her radiant heart-shaped face has dimples, and her figure is slender, yet rounded and soft. Esme reveals her past to Bella during the Cullen’s baseball game in Twilight. Esme is the stable mother Bella never had and treats her as her own daughter, including comforting her after several traumatic events. Esme also owns a South American island named "Isle Esme" that was purchased for her by Carlisle, and it is there that she allows Edward and Bella to spend their honeymoon.
Their Early History: Esme was born in the late 1800s and lived in Columbus, Ohio. It was there where she was treated at the age of sixteen by Carlisle after breaking her leg when climbing a tree. She married Charles Evenson at a young age, but was abused by him. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later. Devastated by her son’s death, Esme attempted to kill herself by jumping off of a cliff. Presumed dead, Esme was brought to a morgue. Carlisle, who remembered treating her years before, was able to sense her heartbeat and changed her into a vampire. Esme and Carlisle fell in love and married soon after. She loves her adoptive children-Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper- as much as she did her own son, but still grieves that she cannot bear children.
Thanks to: www.twilightblog.net
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:23 AM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Esme Cullen, Vampire
BIO: Carlisle Cullen
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:19 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Carlisle Cullen, Vampire
BIO: Jacob Black

Posted by tfblog admin at 1:13 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, Human, Jacob Black
BIO: Alice Cullen
Special Ability: Sees the future
Posted by tfblog admin at 1:06 AM 2 comments (click to comment)
filed under: alice cullen, Biography, Vampire
BIO: Bella Swan
Posted by tfblog admin at 12:59 AM 1 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Bella Swan, Biography, Human, Vampire
BIO: Edward Cullen
Posted by tfblog admin at 12:46 AM 2 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Biography, edward cullen, Vampire
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Posted by tfblog admin at 12:44 AM 0 comments (click to comment)