Here we see a video of New Moon star Robert Pattinson on June 10th in New York City, but he (rightfully?) tells a bothersome paparzzi photographer to “Go Away” with a chuckle. Aww, Rob–you’re sweet even when you’re mad.
VIDEO: Rob tells Paps to 'Go Away'
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Posted by tfblog admin at 9:20 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Robert Pattinson, video
VIDEO: Ashley Greene on Robsten and Some Cast Trying to Quit Smoking.
Posted by tfblog admin at 9:11 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Ashley Greene, cast, Gossip, Interview, News, twilight, video
Columnist says "Sexy vampires are destroying our nation's children"
"Despite the recent influx of vampire-related content into the mainstream media and the youthful enthusiasm that accompanied it, vampirism still remains a dangerous threat to our nation’s children. Unchecked interest in vampires can lead to unfortunate summer wardrobe choices, rickets and diabetes. We can’t afford to lose our kids to these flashy, sexy, fly-by-night vampire impersonators who continue to fill their heads with untruths about the vampire lifestyle."
Read the rest of the (intentionally funny, I hope) rant at the newspaper’s website.
New Behind the Scenes footage of 'New Moon'
Posted by tfblog admin at 8:28 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
Jackson Rathbone can't wait for 'Eclipse'
Jackson Rathbone was asked why they didn’t get much into his backstory during New Moon, and he told TeenMag–
"“Well it doesn’t really come out too much in the book. It’s one of those things were it’s understood but in the third book it really comes out like the back story and everything.“I think one of the things we didn’t want to get too much into was focusing on all the other vampires.
“We wanted really to establish this relationship and how she (Bella) gets sucked into the world of the Cullen family and once she’s in the world that’s when things kind of start coming out.
“One of the things about Jasper is he doesn’t use the ability all the time. It’s something that he’s very strict about using because it’s like an invasion of privacy to to make someone feel something, to manipulate emotions.”"
Jackson Rathbone can’t wait for ‘Eclipse’
Posted by tfblog admin at 8:17 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Eclipse, Interview, Jackson Rathbone, News
Kellan (Hottie) on a walk with Kola
Kellan is out and about walking his pup Kola again, and he's looking as hot as ever!
Check out the rest of the new pics of Kellan out and about in LA at JustJaredJr.
Posted by tfblog admin at 7:00 PM 0 comments (click to comment)
filed under: Kellan Lutz