Twilighters Anonymous has a list of the top 10 reasons to be Team Jacob or Team Edward.
Here they are:
10. If you’re ever stuck out in a snowstorm, his body heat could save your life.
9. He has the best vamp insults and some great blonde jokes!
8. He’s still young enough to be impulsive and foolish. Every girl needs more of that in her life!
7. He could take you out to eat and actually eat with you.
6. He is a 6’7” tall, gorgeous, muscular Native American – what else do you need?
5. He’s half naked most of the time.
4. Sometimes a girl needs a heating pad rather than an ice pack.
3. He is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Plus, he’s HOT!
2. He’s like a puppy and a boyfriend all wrapped up in one!
1. He won’t leave you stranded in the forest after breaking up with you.
10. Because he’ll hold your drink for you when you need to use your hands, and he’ll keep it cold, too. Not to mention he can be your personal ice-pack when you have a Bella moment.
9. He’s a vampire and they’ve been around for centuries whereas werewolves are just new inventions. (Quote courtesy of Rob Pattinson)
8. He won’t fall asleep and drool all over you.
7. Who needs a disco ball when you have Edward? Just take him outside and dance it up ’cause he sparkles!
6. He’s a gentleman and will offer you choices.
5. He won’t stink like a wet dog if you wash him.
4. Jacob may run a 108° temperature but Edward’s still hotter.
3. He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear in many different languages as well as quote Romeo & Juliet verbatim.
2. Because, in the end, he got the girl!
1. He is portrayed by Robert Pattinson….need we say more?

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