Thanks to
TwiFans for the article!
Edward Is Tortured...and suspicious? - Well of course he’s tortured, that’s his general state of mind. Also, consider the fact that he’s supposed to be feeling guilty for leaving Bella and you might even be able to read regretful in the look. Suspicious? Most definitely. Jacob is in the picture now AND he’s a werewolf. We think he’s a little angry too. The obviously defensive Jacob won’t even turn to face him, which Edward undoubtedly considers disrespectful and I’m sure he’s wondering why Bella won’t look at him.
Bella Isn’t Looking at Anyone – Jacob is turning to look at Edward, Edward is looking back at Bella and Bella is looking at, well, no one. She’s confused, that’s undeniable. However, we think it looks like she’s staring at something else entirely, as if she doesn’t want either Jacob or Edward. And does she look a little vacant? Perhaps Kristen Stewart is acting like heartbroken “zombie” Bella or maybe (as many people think) it’s a reflection of the actress’ less than superb acting ability. Could it be that she’s just trying to look sexy?
Jacob’s Hair Is Short – Jacob’s cropped cut leads us to believe the picture takes place after Jacob makes his werewolf change. He’s also looking super buff. Ok, it’s definitely taken post-wolf time. But, if that’s the case, why so many clothes?
Bella Is Stuck in Back – Strange, right? While it makes sense that Edward and Jacob are protecting her, it’s odd that she’s not in the center of the group. It almost seems like the movie is more about the drama between Edward and Jacob, and less about the love triangle between the three.
They All Look Hot – There’s no surprise here, especially in Edward’s case. He is chiseled, Jacob is huge and Bella’s skin is almost as perfect as a vampire. We also noticed that they all look a lot more mature? But wait a second. Is that chest hair on Edward? If memory serves, his chest is supposed to be smooth and marble-like. So why the pelt?